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Results for "inheritance tax"

Inheritance Tax

Payment of IHT on lifetime transfers between 6 April and 30 September 2023.

What you need to know about lifetime gifts & inheritance tax

In our previous issue, we gave an overview of the controversial inheritance tax system and listed the various ways you can mitigate the burden on your loved ones when you die. In this issue, we’ll look at the potential benefits of making lifetime gifts in relation to...

Shedding Light on Inheritance Tax

Inheritance tax has been the source of controversy over the past few years. Regularly intruding into fiscal or political debates, these have often caused much heat but little light. In this article, we seek to place this tax into context and describe how it works. The...

Calls to increase inheritance tax – what does it mean?

Nestled in Paris, a graceful château sits joined to an ultra-modern glass-fronted building. On a greenfield site off a narrow Parisian street, this ivory tower is home to the OECD, an elite club of 37 nations. Every now and again, it ordains on policy areas that take...

Inheritance tax

Modern accountingSpecialist help to plan your estateInheritance tax may be a less-than-welcome fact of life but with help to forward plan your finances, the amount of inheritance tax liable on your estate can be significantly reduced.If you think your estate may be...

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