The Financial Reporting Standard 102 (FRS 102) is the principal accounting standard for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Since its introduction in 2015, FRS 102 has provided a simpler alternative to International...
The Chancellor’s Autumn Budget has been much anticipated. Against a challenging economic landscape and increased cost of living – businesses and individuals alike were concerned what this budget may bring. But that’s perhaps where the common ground ends. Before the...
R&D tax reliefs – known to many as very generous tax breaks given to companies that undertake qualifying research and development activities. For businesses, it’s a welcome benefit for undertaking the complex (and often costly) R&D work. Now, HMRC has...
If you’re an incorporated business or partnership, you’ll likely have heard the news about Companies House implementing a fee change, with effect from 1st May 2024. The changes relate to a wide array of fees payable, including those associated with your annual filing...
The Spring Budget 2024 contained no flash surprises or big wins, particularly from a business perspective. Whilst there were a few golden nuggets here and there, for individuals especially, these ‘giveaways’ are really being overshadowed by the ever-increasing...
Welcome to our Summer 2021 edition of ProActivity. It’s another dynamic time of the year for many businesses, as the Furlough Scheme, Bounce Back and Coronavirus Business Interruption Loans (CBILS) start to be withdrawn. As various Government support for businesses,...