Foxley Kingham

Foxley Kingham Medical


Sam's Garden

Sam Brown, client manager at Foxley Kingham, told us how he was coping in lockdown earlier this year in the Summer 2020 issue of ProActivity. Sam is back with an update to let us know how he is getting on and offer some advice.

“At the time of writing this article we are fast approaching winter and we are a couple of weeks into lockdown 2. This time doesn’t feel quite as bad in some respects as schools are still open and some more shops are open than weren’t before.  I can’t use DIY shops being closed as an excuse this time.

The main focus of my article today is to act as  a reminder that we do need to remember to look after ourselves like before. Ensure our set up at home is right to keep our bodies healthy. Remember to take a break from your screens from time to time and maintain good posture while sitting at home. It doesn’t take many days of sitting poorly for our backs and shoulders to tighten up and we start aching.

Also, certainly where we are stuck at home more again, remember to talk to your friends, family and colleagues regularly. We’re all going through this together and all have our struggles with it. I know I do at times. Sometimes just asking or being asked how you are makes a big difference to someone’s mental wellbeing.

Lastly, try to see the positives of being at home when you’re having a bad day. I sat there earlier this week in my home office and looked out the window where there is a bush which has lost all its leaves. I noticed a group of sparrows climbing around the bare twigs which made me smile. Such a small thing but something I just wouldn’t have seen sat in the office.

Look after yourselves everyone and I hope you stay healthy!”